Why I love Tokyo so much?

Recently I posted a picture of me saying words can't describe how much I love Tokyo..! Today I would like to share the reason why..? My top most reason of loving TOKYO is because of the safeness I feel living in this big city. "The safeness for the girls". To feel safe is one of the most important element in my life, be it in your own house or your country, outside the country. I simply cannot say there are no rape cases in Japan, of course there are but it is very low . It is sad to see that I do not feel safe at all in INDIA. In India where rape is happening every single minutes and days. There seems to be no end for the rapes that taking place. It is a very depressing issues at the moment. One of the reasons why rape is the common thing in India is because GIRLS are treated poorly, there is a total disrespect for women in Indian society. I would say that Government plays a very important role in this issue. It is up to them if they want it put a stop on this. I...