Indian currency Ban..!!

On the 8th November, the PM of India made an announcement on fight to corruption , black money, terror and counterfeit currency. India's government hopes to flush out tax evaders and make money that is unaccounted for visible for tax purposes. There have been reports of tax raids in many parts of India. New 2,000 and 500 rupee denomination notes with new security features are being given to people to replace those removed from circulation.A new 1,000 rupee note "with a new dimension and design" will also be introduced in due course said by the govt. To be honest this a good change no doubt and I salute the govt for bringing this change as soon as possible before it is too late. My questions are will this be effective and Is it going to solve the problem? I think we will have to wait and see in coming years. As soon as I saw this news online, the very next day I rush to money exchange because I had 4500 Indian currency left with me from my last trip ...