Lunch and Movie in Dubai

Hello Friends, I went off to Dubai to meet a friend where we had our lunch in Emirates mall in Dean & Daluca. My friend loved what she ordered the lentil soup, Vegetarian Taco, Cheese mac cheese. I ordered Mushroom soup and wooden chicken fried, Honestly i did not like it at all. I was not very happy with my lunch. After we were done with lunch, we wanted to watch a film called Pink but it was not available so very disappointing, we checked out the other mall. It was showing in Burjuman so we quickly rush but unluckily it was sold out. We watched the magnificent seven which was an average film. Before we headed home we had our afternoon tea or evening tea from Paul. My friend ordered bread toast. I love the cakes, I had chocolate cheese cake which was yum. It was not a bad day after all. Glad i was able to spend the beautiful day with my childhood school friend :)