
Showing posts from July 16, 2017

Lets talk about this..!! DEPRESSION

I woke up to the news of Linkin Park's lead singer Chester Bennington passed away. He took his own life at the age of 41. I was extremely sad with the news cause half of my childhood I grew up listening to his song. What make me even more sad is he committed suicide. The questions come why would you do that to your self? why? I read on the news that he had been abused as a child by an older male.  He struggled with drugs and alcohol for years. He was suffering from DEPRESSION. This also reminded me of my very dear college friend who committed suicide at the age of 21. I was devastated and would say it was one of the biggest shock of my life. I was very close to her.  It was hard to believe that she was no more.  I came to understand that she suffered from Depression. I never knew until I read all her poems. She loved writing poems, her poems was very blue. From this, I would say that there are so many people who is suffering from mental illness but they won't let us ...

Why you should travel alone once in your life time..!!

When you want to go on a trip, we always consider going with family or friends. But sometimes we cannot coordinate the schedule with the people we want to travel. We always have a fear of doing by our self.  Break this comfort zone and challenge yourself. Just book those tickets and pack your bags, go anyway.  Life is short. Don't think too much. Just do it..!! Don't sacrifice your dream. We live only once. Do what ever you wish to do in this life. Go and make new friends. Don't be afraid..!!You will not regret it.   You will be surprise how enjoyable it is to spend time alone. Travelling alone is a life changing experience. It is very powerful, you will come out so strong.  It will make you a better and smarter person.  You will be more focus and attentive to a new environment. It will help you to tackle difficult task in life the things you were afraid of.  You will inspire others, you will have so many stories to tell.  You must have rea...

29 things about ME..!!

Einstein once said " The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don't know. With age comes not knowledge but wisdom. As I'am in my 29, I have started to reflect on how different I was, how much I have learnt and how much I'am going to learn. This also means that there is plenty of time of reinvention, finding love, having fun, learning and discovering. 1. I stop giving too much attention to people who does not care about me. 2. I'am single. 3. I can get ready in 5 minutes. 4. I used to love watching music videos in MTV and VH1. 5. Watching movies alone in theatre not a big deal. 6. I don't regret anything in my past. 7. I was trendy and I'am still trendy. I love Fashion. Cloths play an important role in my life. The creativeness in me, one of the ways in expressing myself. 8. I love classic films. 9. Sleep super early on work days. Breakfast is a must. 10. Travelling and living abroad makes me more worldly and the experience are ...

10 Tips for the first time travellers to Japan.

1. I suggest you should download the Japanese language app on your phone. Langauge will be a problem cause not everyone speaks english. Try learning few Japanese words. 2. Japanese people are very helpful. Don't worry it is very safe here. 3. You should definitely try the local cuisines, food, drinks. There are plenty of restaurants and cafes everywhere. There are expensive and of course affordable ones too. You must try Uden, Tempura, Ramen, Sushi, traditional dish like rice, misho soup, grilled fish with lots of side dishes, The drinks you should try are the Japanese rice wine Sake and beer. 4. Japan has four seasons- Spring, summer, autumn,winter so carry your outfits according to which season you are traveling. The best time to visit Japan is during the spring and autumn. 5. The best way to travel around Japan is using the Train. They have the best public transport. They are connected from larger to small towns. They are very much on time. If you type the place from wh...