I'am Indian..!!

Today I'am sharing one of the frequent asked question to me -where are you from? People tend to be always surprise with my answer "I am from India Manipur and asked me why I don't look like Indian? I'am going to explain to you why I don't look like an Indian. I'am come from the North East States of India a state called Manipur. After India’s Independence from the British rule in 1947, the all the independent states of India had to be merged with the Union of India . Years after Independence, most of the independent states have now grown to accept wholly the notion of a ‘Union of India’. Only a few states – namely Kashmir and the Northern States (the Seven Sisters) have not been able to integrate fully with the Union of India. We are g eographically separate from mainland India. The Seven Sisters, as the seven states in India's North East corner are called - Assam, Tripura, Meghalaya, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland and Arunachal - are different from the res...