Christmas Party

I love hosting party at my home, I love having friends come over for a lovely dinner cause I enjoy cooking. Well I'am not an expert cook but I do have signature dish which I occasionally cook from time to time and think I'am the best..!! I had my friends come over for a lovely dinner and I set up the table which is my favorite part. I was inspired by the show come dine with me. At the same time it was also like pot luck party cause my friend also prepared some dishes and got for tonights party. The menu for tonights dinner party- 1. Kelly chana ( A popular manipuri dish) 2. Channa Khanghou (A popular manipuri dish) 3. Eromba 4. Fish curry 5. Salad 6. Chilly chicken I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Thank you for reading my blogs. I hope you have great time with your family and Friends..!! Happy Holiday :)