Sudden carving for burger..!!

I guess we all have this carving moods once every few months. I had this sudden carving for burger, If i have to eat burger I would only eat from shake shack.

Nao and I went to Bawadi Mall to watch a film and to eat burger. We first went to check out the timing for the film. The film that we wanted to watch was at that time we reached and later would be very late for both of us. So we decided to watch the film and go eat burger after we are done watching.

While I was watching the film, the person sitting next to me was eating pop corns I wanted to go out and buy  popcorn seeing him but I had to keep my tummy empty for burgers.

I just could not wait for the film to get over. As soon as it got over, we ran to shake shack. I was so happy to see it was open. We ordered burgers, fries and drink.  I ate like a pig haha so I was like the happiest girl for that very moment.

After a satisfied meal, we headed home with a big fat smile on our faces.


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