My brothers gift..!!

Recently my big brother came to visit me with my mom. Two things he gifted me first is the chanel perfume and second is a one night stay in Emirates Palace with my mom.  Emirates Palace is located in Abu Dhabi.

It was absolutely extravaganza. Mom and I had wonderful time. We walked around, took pictures at every corner.  It was huge hotel palace. One of the most luxury hotel I've ever visited in my life. It was super grand, fascinating for us. I bet it must be very expensive too.

Mom and I was truly thankful to our brother for giving us just an amazing gift. Lucky to have a brother like him.

That very night we went to Susie's house for dinner. She cooked fabulous fish curry with Eromba and chicken fried. Just had a incredible weekend with my family and Susie.

Moments like this are precious. I believe it is worth sharing..!!!


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