Lets talk about this..!! DEPRESSION

I woke up to the news of Linkin Park's lead singer Chester Bennington passed away. He took his own life at the age of 41. I was extremely sad with the news cause half of my childhood I grew up listening to his song. What make me even more sad is he committed suicide. The questions come why would you do that to your self? why?

I read on the news that he had been abused as a child by an older male.  He struggled with drugs and alcohol for years. He was suffering from DEPRESSION.

This also reminded me of my very dear college friend who committed suicide at the age of 21. I was devastated and would say it was one of the biggest shock of my life. I was very close to her.  It was hard to believe that she was no more.  I came to understand that she suffered from Depression. I never knew until I read all her poems. She loved writing poems, her poems was very blue. From this, I would say that there are so many people who is suffering from mental illness but they won't let us know or talk about it. Today I want to reach out to many of you,  if you are reading this post, IT IS NEVER TOO LATE.

What is Depression?
  • It is common but it is serious mood disorder. It causes severe symptoms that affects how you feel and think. To be diagnosed with depression, the symptoms must be present for at least two weeks.  There are many forms of depression. It can happen at any age but often begins at adulthood.  
What leads to Depression? 
  • Personal or Family history of depression 
  • Major life changes, trauma or stress
  • Certain physical illness or medication. 
What are the treatments for Depression? 
  • Consulting a Doctor - Talk Therapy 
  • Medication and psychotherapy. 
Here are some tips if you have mood swings from time to time- What should you do?
  • Change your life style. 
  • Get in routine. 
  • Exercise 
  • Eat healthy
  • Get enough sleep.
  • Take on responsibility
  • Try something new - Go on Holiday or Join classes may be fitness, language, art, music etc.  
Everyone of us have a hard time, life is not easy. We all go through struggle and pain, not everything we want in life turns out how we imagine it to be. We all have high expectations and sometimes it does not work out. We fail and we disappoint others.  In the end what matters, we keep trying..!!


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