29 things about ME..!!

Einstein once said " The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don't know. With age comes not knowledge but wisdom.

As I'am in my 29, I have started to reflect on how different I was, how much I have learnt and how much I'am going to learn. This also means that there is plenty of time of reinvention, finding love, having fun, learning and discovering.

1. I stop giving too much attention to people who does not care about me.

2. I'am single.

3. I can get ready in 5 minutes.

4. I used to love watching music videos in MTV and VH1.

5. Watching movies alone in theatre not a big deal.

6. I don't regret anything in my past.

7. I was trendy and I'am still trendy. I love Fashion. Cloths play an important role in my life. The creativeness in me, one of the ways in expressing myself.

8. I love classic films.

9. Sleep super early on work days. Breakfast is a must.

10. Travelling and living abroad makes me more worldly and the experience are priceless.

11. Now that I feel older, I eat healthy and work out often.

12. Even Though I'am 29 but I still feel I'am 16. The childish nature in me hasn't disappear.

13. I love dancing and I can dance non stop till the DJ stop playing the music in the house. I don't go clubbing as often I would go in my college days.

14.  The art of cutting the vegetables hasn't been improve but cooking skill has been upgraded.

15. I love my Job.

16. Swimming is my favorite sport.

17. Not a coffee fan but Tea lover.

18.  I don't smoke.

19. I'am social drinker.

20. I'am not shopaholic anymore. Invest my money on quality stuff.

21. No more hostel or dorm life when I'am travelling. I prefer to pay extra to sleep in a nice room.

22. I have become more confident and better looking than I was.

23. I'am happy with my friend circle.

24. Biggest Fan of Audrey Hepburn and Princess Diana. My style icon.

25. I'am the most over excited, energetic person you will ever meet.

26. Living the life I wanted.

27. The moment I feel negative vibes I stay away from it.

28.  I'am straight forward and very expressive.

29. I'am an Independent woman, pays the rent and bills. 

I'am glad to have met incredible people in my life, who have taught me lessons. Some have left and some are still with me. I'am grateful for the experience. No matter what happens, life goes on. I know best is yet to come. I'am very much looking forward to it. Age is nothing, just a number.


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