Keep moving :)

I started my blog in 2012 because my professor encourage me to keep writing. I kind of stop updating in the middle of the year because of so much assignments. This year 2014 I realise I should keep it going since I'm not started working. Make use of the time and be productive. I will update you with the stuff happened from 2012 and blog once a week. I want to open my own site Queen' once i get more professional. Hopefully it works out by next year. I studied Broadcast Journalism because i love making videos and radio documentary. I realised i'm not a very good writer so i want to improve myself. The best way to help myself
is to keep writing and reading. Once my site is ready by next year i do not want to lack behind. This is one of the book i have been reading to motivate and gain inspiration.
Wish me luck. 


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