Home calling 2013

I flew back to my country once my course was done. The doctor advised me to take rest of maximum four month. It was super nice to get home and be with my family and friends. When I was home from June to January i did plenty of stuff. I gave the Manipur Civil Service Exam. It is considered one of the most difficult and reputed exam in the state. Of course there was no chance I would get through since I started preparing in last few months.Once the exam was done. I started working for All India Radio and produced a documentary on Violence against women. This is one topic which I'm interested in doing more research. India is always on news about rape issues. It's been a big disgrace. Everyday there is rape cases in every corner of the streets in India. The worst news was the December 16th gang raped which shook the world. It's sad that many stories are untold and lack of media coverage. The short radio documentary was released on 13th December. In the mean time I hosted the International Polo Match. Three International team came down to India to play Germany, USA, Thailand. The match took place for nine days. It was my first time hosting a prestige event. It was so much fun watching the match everyday. Luckily we had no problem with weather since it's an outdoor game. The final match was between USA vs Manipur. Guess who won? Haha obviously Manipur. Polo the game is originated from Manipur. It will be a ashamed if we did not win it. 
The best thing about being home its eating home cooked meal. Its the best food. I hate it i can never control myself when im home no matter how much i work out.

So 2013 was not at all a bad year. I got amazing opportunity which help me to shape myself into a better person. 


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