Happy New year 2018..!!

There is two particular days I'am totally excited about..one is my birthday and second is the last day of the year. Why I'am so excited about this two days is because I feel it is important for me to celebrate the day I was born. Second the last day of the year is crucial cause you never know what is going to happen to you in the next year. I'am pretty an emotional person. 

Why I'am emotional is because I have loss people I genuinely love all of sudden. One of the biggest fear in my life is loosing people I love the most. 

This year on the last day of 2017 I celebrated with my friend Susie in Dubai at Dubai mall. We had the best time ever. We are definitely going to remember it. 

What is my goal for 2018? 

Every year I have the same goal thats to be a better person. What ever I do or who ever I meet I want to be the best I can be. 

Living life to fullest is my ultimate goal in life. Giving my 100% in work, relationship, everything over all. 

One thing I dislike the most is having regrets. 

As long as I live I want to give it all.  Living the life like it is created for me. Making all my dreams come true. 

Hopefully everything happens for the best.. 


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