10 things I miss about Japan..!!

Living in Japan for few weeks, I felt so relaxed and homely.  It is one of the best destination for Independent people. You will never get bore living in Japan. There is so much to do and I felt that wish I stayed longer.  Now that I'am back in UAE, I definitely miss Japan..!! Here are the following lists -

  1. Safety - I felt extremely safe while I was there. I'am sure crime exist but during my stay I did not feel scared at all. I walked around every where alone did not come across anything unusual. I'am a very much an out door person so I enjoy walking around , exploring the streets and town.  
  2. Cleanliness - The house I lived was super clean, which made me very comfortable. The roads  are pretty clean too. 
  3. Moist towels in restaurants and cafes-  In Japan, almost every restaurant or cafe you visit, they will provide you a moist towel to wipe your hands the moment you take a seat. 
  4. Tipping- When you visit any restaurants or cafe, you do not give tips. Even when they provide you first class service. You don't have to give a single yen, when they do their job - really well without expecting anything extra from the customer. 
  5. Japanese Toilet and Bath - I loved the fancy toilets. The warm toilet seats. I would call it futuristic toilets. The luxurious home bath tubs in Japan are so amazing. I could spend all day in bath tub. 
  6. Cafes and Book stores - When we talk about cafes we think about Europe but I saw the most coolest cafes in Japan. I visited many book stores too, I enjoyed flipping through the Japanese magazine, I found some really good english books on Japan. 
  7. Food - Talk about food I'am going to miss my favorite matcha green tea, Sushi, Ramen. 
  8. Trains - I appreciate the punctuality of the trains. How well it is connected everywhere in Japan, the easiest way to get to any where you want. It makes the journey very comfortable. 
  9. Money tray in shop -  When you shop anything in Japan, you don't give the money to cashiers hand instead you place the money on the plastic tray . When they give your changes back, It will be kept on tray. 
  10. Customer service - The warm greetings that welcomes you the moment you enter a shop, restaurants .  I truly admire Japanese good manners and politeness. I feel you will only experience this in Japan. This is something I learnt from Japanese culture. 


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