Bucket list 2018

I'am going to list down 10 things I would like to do it in coming years.  I'am setting some goals for myself  and hoping I would make all my dreams and wish come true.

First thing on the list is -

  1. Skiing- This is something I have never done it in my life. I would like to give it a try this year. 
  2. Healthy Recipes- I would like to cook more healthy recipes this year. Try out new things/ learn from youtube tutorial. 
  3. Movies/ Documentary  - I want to watch all the best classics films suggested by IMDB. I hope to watch many documentary films too. 
  4. Books. I hope to read more than 500 books in 2- 3 years. 
  5. Fitness Retreat-  I've never done this and I would love to do it this year or coming year. I'am truly a health freak. I love working out. I think this would be fun. 
  6. I want to write a book on the countries I travelled. 
  7. I want to have my own podcast show where I'am Interviewing girls of my ages, covering issues about women challenges they face on everyday life, educating women..!!
  8. Every year I definitely want to produce short documentary films on Manipur. 
  9. I do want to have my own business at a side. 
  10.  In coming years I want to live New York, Paris, Spain, Australia, South Korea. 

I will update you on if I did go skiing, fitness retreat, How many films I've watched and how many books I read. 

Hopefully I accomplished everything I wish...!! 


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