With love Mauritius..!!

This year I'am so blessed and grateful to be travelling to Mauritius for second time. The first visit was with my mom and I had a fabulous time and second with my childhood friend.  Nancy and I have been planning on going for trip for a long time. This time, our holiday match so we decided to go to Mauritius.

A brief description about Mauritius.

It is an island nation in the Indian Ocean about 2,000 kilometres off the south east coast of the African continent. The capital and largest city is Port Louis. The government uses English as a main language. The people of Mauritius speaks Creole and French. Mauritius are multi cultural and multi religions. The island is known for the home of only bird called dodo.
The environment of Mauritius is typically tropical region in the coastal region with forest in the mountain region.

The journey begins-

Nancy works for the Emirates so we got special tickets. We stayed in a hotel called Mont choisy beach Resort which i found in Expedia.com. I often check out this site for booking hotels.

On 24th we arrived Mauritius even though it was my second time. This place always make me so happy. I loved our hotel the interior of the room and bathroom, kitchen. It was super clean and neat.
As we arrived we went running out to beach, took few pictures, chill in the beach relaxing,listening to the sound of the waves....

Later we went to eat dinner at the place called Mystik life style hotel. It was a very delightful evening. After our dinner we headed to Grand baie, which is a nice street with lots of restaurant and pub around. One of the most popular pub is called Banana beach bar. We went to another club called Alcatraz. We had an amazing time there also happen to meet a cute guy from Prague, we danced and would say it was one of the best night in Mauritius.

We also did the north and south tour of Mauritius. In the north we went to the botanical garden, Hindu temple. In south we went to the seven colour of earth, Shiva temple.

On the last day we had a fabulous breakfast in Mystik life style hotel. We went to Grand baie beach, exploring around and relaxing in the beach. We did some souvenir shopping of our friends and family.

To end this, I'am sharing some beautiful pictures I took from my iphone 7 plus. One of my favorite quote.
Its been more than a century since Mark Twain : Mauritius was made first and then heaven, and that heaven was copied after Mauritius.- and it seems some things never change.


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