I'am Indian..!!

Today I'am sharing one of the frequent asked question to me -where are you from? People tend to be always surprise with my answer "I am from India Manipur and asked me why I don't look like Indian?

I'am going to explain to you why I don't look like an Indian. I'am come from the North East States of India a state called Manipur. After India’s Independence from the British rule in 1947, the all the independent states of India had to be merged with the Union of India .Years after Independence, most of the independent states have now grown to accept wholly the notion of a ‘Union of India’. Only a few states – namely Kashmir and the Northern States (the Seven Sisters) have not been able to integrate fully with the Union of India. We are geographically separate from mainland India.The Seven Sisters, as the seven states in India's North East corner are called - Assam, Tripura, Meghalaya, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland and Arunachal - are different from the rest of the mainland.The population is racially different from the rest of north India, which is primarily of mixed Caucasian descent. But the North East population is definitely Mongolian: high cheekbones, slit eyes and skin tones tending to yellow. The north east is also very hilly terrain, unlike the greater parts of North India, which is a flat alluvial plain. The descent, language, lifestyle and culture of the North East is very different from the main land  India.

I would say the mainstream media is main culprit. It has never shown any North East Indian character (major or supporting) in any Serial or Movie. On the positive notes Polo is originated from Manipur.  Mary Kom from Manipur won bronze medal in Olympic 2012 in London. Please watch the Manipur tourism video created by me.


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