Earth-Quake in Manipur 2016

On 4th January, 2016 at 4.30 hit an earth quake in Manipur measuring 6.8 magnitude. 

It happened when I was in deep sleep. I was dreaming that I was on flight and there was turbulence and I thought the plane was going to crash and we were going to die but that night I was sleeping with my mother so she hold my hand tight right then I got back to reality and I could feel everything was shaking. I was so scared that I did not know how to react, I went numb. I started remembering about Nepal earth quake and I thought we were all going to die. Just two days back I fought with my best friend and I thought of him. It got me into senses that nothing really matters  all the wealth, fame, luxury etc !! What really matters it's that the memories you have with people, the laughter, joy, happiness right then then it stop shaking and i decided that the first thing I'm going to do is call him up! 

I gave him call and we came to understanding that life is unpredictable and we should not be having all this wars and conflict with one another. It's pointless and meaning if we are anyways going to die one day!! 


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