Yayyy finally i graduated on 5th March. The graduation took place at Symphony Hall. Its world class acoustics and stunning auditorium it is considered to be not only the UK'S finest concert hall but also one of the best in the world.I have been waiting for this day. It was indeed a happy happy day. My family could not come but my best friend accompanied me so i did not feel alone. I was super excited to wear the gown. It was pretty expensive as we had to pay for the gown but it was worth it. Most of my class mate was not able to come but i was happy to meet some few friends. I happened to sit beside an italian guy who was funny and make me laugh the whole ceremony. As you know the graduation ceremonies are pretty long and kinda boring. After the ceremony i took my best friend for lunch to Thai restaurant. We had fabulous lunch. The day ended well :) :)

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