What I normally eat everyday?

Today I'am sharing what I eat on everyday.  I'am normally a healthy person but when I'am travelling I tend to be more healthy because falling sick or feeling unwell is the last thing I ever want to feel. I'am here all by myself, so I want to take good care of myself cause no one will.

I know in my Instagram post, you will see most of the pictures posted are restaurant meal. I would like to let you know, I don't eat outside every single day. May be twice in a week, when I do eat outside meal it has to be good food. Otherwise mostly I'am cooking at home, when I'am cooking it is usually stir fried vegetables or boil vegetables and egg fried rice or plain rice. I tend to eat a lot of vegetables , eggs, fruits, fresh juice everyday. I'am a tea lover so I drink tea through out the day. My current favorite is match green tea and Ice lemon tea. I drink 2 litres of water everyday.

I mostly eat two meals a day. For breakfast I have 2 bananas, one apple, matcha latte, eggs. Lunch I eat rice and vegetables and Dinner is normally fruits.

My signature dish is Chilly Chicken and Fish is my all time favorite.

The things that I avoid eating are fried stuff and oily food. I go for walking every single day for 30 minutes.

Please take care of your body. When you are sick, it is YOU who is going to suffer. It is never too late. Start from today itself. When you eat healthy food, your soul is happy and so is your mind. Sleep well and eat well always..!! Create a positive environment for yourself and the surroundings.


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