Before the flood

I watched a documentary film called Before the Flood. It was one of the most interesting documentary film I've ever watched, not because Leonardo DiCaprio is in it but the film provided a good amount of information on the climate change.

This film talks about how badly our nature is being destroyed by the humans. It also explain us what is carbon tax?
A carbon tax is a fee intended to make users of fossil fuels pay for climate damage their fuel use imposes by releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, and also to motivate switches to cleaner energy. Because CO2 is released in strict proportion to the fuel’s carbon content, the carbon tax can be levied “upstream” on the fuel itself.

The essence of every fossil fuel — coal, oil and gas — is its carbon and hydrogen atoms. Oxidizing (combusting) those atoms releases their heat energy. Natural gas has the highest hydrogen per carbon ratio, making it the least carbon-intensive fuel, while coal is the opposite. When these fuels are burned, CO2 is released into the atmosphere and remains resident there, trapping heat re-radiated from Earth’s surface and causing global warming and other harmful climate change.

The need is dire: the levels of CO2 already in the Earth’s atmosphere and being added daily are destabilizing established climate patterns and damaging the ecosystems on which all living beings depend. Very large and rapid reductions in the United States’ and other nations’ carbon emissions are essential to avoid runaway climate destabilization and minimize severe weather events, inundation of coastal cities, spread of diseases, loss of forests, failure of agriculture and water supply, infrastructure destruction, forced migrations, political upheavals and international conflict.

I recommend everyone to actually watch this film because it is important to know the importance of nature how it is effected to you and me, everyone around us.  We are all inter related to one another. We must take care of our nature before it is too nature.

I'am sharing some beautiful pictures of nature I've taken in past few months.

 This was in Jaipur.
 Manipur my home town.
 The beautiful Shillong,
 Manipur in Ukhrul district

The paradise Island Mauritius 


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