Happy Diwali and Ningol Chakouba

Diwali is one of the biggest festival in India. On this day people light their houses and town, street. It is like christmas in India. It is a very spritual day where we pray to God, to let our houses, family and friends shine with lights and let the darkness and evil to be wash away. I love this festival but at the same time I'am totally against the noise pollution. I think it is high time people stop wasting money on buying crackers instead buy sweets and gifts, share to needy ones.

Ningol Chakouba is also considered one of the biggest festival in my home town Manipur. The elder brothers or younger invites his married sisters for big fat lunch and present them gifts. This festival is celebrated to honour the love between siblings.

How I celebrate when I'am home? I spend a good quality time with my family and friends.  This year I'am away from home. I did light up candles in my room. But I missed home. The sad thing about being away from family is not being able to celebrate most of the festival with family.

This is life i guess, You have to sacrifice and compromise in order to achieve somethings in life. You can't have everything you want.. To gain some things, you've to loose somethings..

I did received some pictures back from home, which I would like to share with you..!! The last picture is my big sister with her husband and the new born.


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