Jordan Travel Dairy

The First week of this month i travelled to Jordan for my Eid Break. The reason why i wanted to visit because I had an amazing friend who had invited me to celebrate Eid with the family. The second reason Indian do not require visa to go to Jordan it's visa on arrival which we had to pay 200 dihrams. Before travelling to Jordan lot many of my friends and family asked if it was safe to go there? In reply to that question it is very much safe to visit Jordan .

I was in Irbid for the entire holiday. A small town and greenery 2 hours away from Amman. I went up to Umm Qaiz on my first day which was absolutely stunning the view and  Jordan's  boarder with Syria and Palestine/Israel . I was a little sad when i realize I was so close to Syria because of the ongoing war which has been going on for so long. I really hope there will be peace soon.

On Second day I travelled to Petra the famous archaeological site dating around 300 BC. The capital of Nabatean Kingdom which was like 5 hours drive from Irbid. It was exhausting but I feel lucky to be able to see one of the seven wonders of the world.  We had to walk for like 45 minute from the gate, we kinda got cheated by the locals who said the horse ride was for free, we got on but later when we reached the destination we tip them what we felt was worth the ride but they kept asking us to pay more. Even after our short horse ride we still had to walk for like 20 minute, it was pretty hot, but when we saw the huge pillars which  represented Petra also called Rose city because of the pink stone, we forgotten the struggle and hardship of walking in the heat. I was extremely thankful be able to travel so far and get to see such amazing creation.

I celebrated Eid with my friends family. It is one of the best experience in my life. It is a day when family get together and visit over to all relatives houses. I was blessed to come across one of the most beautiful family in my life. I felt so lucky having to met them. I've never seen a family where there was so much love, caring and sharing. It was so easy to notice it. I could it see from their eyes, so humble so kind. Just by being around with the most incredible souls taught me so much in this journey. Life is all about being kind to one another, sharing and caring. These days people have lost the word humanity, there is so much hatred in this world, there is no peace at all.


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