Just keep swimming..!!

I have started swimming from the month of June and I'am absolutely going crazy. It makes me relax, happy and fit. I go with a huge gang of friends so its more fun. It keeps you motivated to live a better life. Its important to work out and for me i feel swimming its the best work out ever. The whole body plays an important role from your neck, arms, legs. You can easily loose all the fats from all over your body. Its the quickest method to loose weight and makes you beautiful. I used to go gym but somehow i was loosing it but swimming never got me bore. I was not a good swimmer before and but the place where i go swimming in Standard college has taught me so well that i feel i can go for Olympic ( Kidding). I got a lot confident cause its surrounded by coach. They are always pointing out where you are going wrong. 

I have learnt all the four strokes free style, breast stroke, front stroke and butterfly. I absolutely love breast stroke and second i would choose free style and third back stroke and fourth butterfly. It depends on people what they prefer the best. I felt butterfly is the hardest of all. 

Guys Its never too late to learn anything in life. Most of the people i know all have water phobia and believe me i was scared too at first but once you jump in water, you will fall in love. I can swim for likes hours. I never want to come out. I love it so much. You should try it too..!!   


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