Inner Line Permit in Manipur

Inner Line Permit is an official travel document issued by the Govt of India to allow to travel into protected / restricted area for a limited period. Its is a must to obtain permission from the Govt to travel to restricted area.
Manipur is demanding for ILP to save the indigenous people of Manipur and to stop outsider from buying lands. During this protest Robinhood student died on 8th July. Since then there has been curfew for five days. Its has been absolute chaos in the states. I have not seen such kind of mass protest in my life. These five days has been physically and mentally exhausting. Its indeed a sad tragedy that a boy got killed. He was a brave strong boy who died for his motherland. May his soul rest in peace.
My point of view on this protest is that i highly dislike people burning tyres, destroying private properties and being violent. I hope and wish that people can use other method and be more innovative. This is the only message i would like share with my dear friends. 


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