Happy Father's Day

There is not a single day goes by without me thinking of you,
I miss you every day and every moment,
Wishing you could be with us,
Thing could be way better..!!

There were times when i was down,
I needed your arms to hug and cry upon,
For your support and guidance,
Its sad you were not there.!!

There were days when i cried thinking of you,
On special occasion like wedding, birthday and Fathers day
Wishing to see the smile on your face,
When all family gathered together,
Its sad you are not with us!!

There were days when i would smile waking up from sleep,
Because the happiness of seeing you in a dream,
Even when you are not with us anymore..!!

Dad I love you so much.
I miss you forever..!!
You are my Hero and best dad i could ask for.


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